At first, Art education is the must for everyone from childhood to oldage, it helps you to fit you from mental to physical attitude .The aim of art education is to sensitise the persons so that they may learn to respond to the beauty in line, colour , form , movement, harmony , rhythm , perspective , e. t. c .
In recent times, has been defined as a means to the creative growth of the child. The new approach recognizes one’s life experience and the inner world as a source for the subject-matter of art in order to give a personnel expression to feelings, thoughts and ideas. This approach assumes that every child has an ability to express himself through art because it is an inborn quality very much inherent in him.
A child wants to express the things which interest him and which catch his fancy in his own environment. Art being an expressive medium comes naturally to him because it appeals to his instincts. He even explores to use of his medium with his own effort.
In the early stages of childhood, he learns it all by himself through the drawing of scribbles, which he improves upon into symbols and shapes in a kind of semi-realisms as he grows. This quality of self-expression through art is manifested even in his play activities where he sub-consciously expresses himself by way of rhythmic movements , gesticulation, humming of tunes and scribbling of shapes and forms.
It has been observed that the child is extremely frank and expresses his true emotions in his art. He emphasizes certain things which he feels strongly in him.
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